This time we were once again lucky
with the weather despite the snow in the morning, it stopped snowing at 11 o'clock. Fairly many
people attanded, 40 adults and 23 children purchased start cards. Fishing was pretty slow, only 3 kids
caught fish and 6 of the adults managed to catch one or more fish, mostly small
perch. The biggest fish was a perch of 220 gr. We also sold many lottery tickets.
There were coffee and hamburger sales thanks to a 5th grade from
Price list:
1st prize David Markström 770 gr
2nd prize Fredrik Stenlund 430 gr
3rd prize Tobias Sjöström 160 gr
3rd prize Bertil Holmberg 160 gr
5th prize Iris Kvist 90 gr
1st prize Malte Karlsson, 2nd Melker Holmberg, 3rd Elias Sjönfeldt. 4th and 5th
prize was drawn among the other children.
Biggest fish: Fredrik Stenlund
A total of 2112 gr of fish was caught, significantly less than last year. Much less
perches, 1 whitefish. But we had a pleasant day in the nice weather.